ReGenerative Interdependence Sustainably Elevating Solutions
WE are a global community of evolutionary leaders, innovators, and transformers committed to sustainably solving the challenges of our time, co-creating a paradigm of thriving regenerative abundance for everyone on Earth, and honoring and celebrating Mother Gaia.
Join us for the E A R T H S H O T : Tulum, a curated gathering of evolutionary leaders in the Garden of Eden intentionally designed to co-create, highlight, implement, celebrate and inspire regenerative solutions WITH the local community and scale these successful models and frameworks across the world.
This family gathering is intentionally curated and filmed as the pilot of The E A R T H S H O T Series, a documentary streaming series co-creation of evolutionary communities around the world designed to activate sacred biospheres and harmonize our global family into unified, meaningful and measurable #loveinaction and positive impact with the lands and communities we are blessed to serve.
Presented with #loveinaction by L I G H T S P A C E and Small Batch Films. Hosted by YouTube🌈 and LinkedIn.
Our collective mission is to ensure the sustainable Evolution, Abundance, Radiance, Thriving and Harmony of Humanity and Mother EARTH.
DONATE HERE to JOIN US in this EPIC co-creation!
L I G H T S P A C E is a female led collaborative consultancy focused on nourishing holistic land regeneration models and co- creating sustainable connectivity and collaboration between land stewards, developers and ecopreneurs around the world.
Our mission is to nurture, cultivate and highlight scalable models for regenerative land development and management to revitalize, protect and uplift sacred bio regions and communities around the world.
Focus on cultivating:
A conscious synergy of impact investment + eco-infrastructure + extraordinary experiences.
L I G H T S P A C E is a female led collaborative consultancy focused on nourishing holistic land regeneration models and co- creating sustainable connectivity and collaboration between land stewards, developers and ecopreneurs around the world.
Our mission is to nurture, cultivate and highlight scalable models for regenerative land development and management to revitalize, protect and uplift sacred bio regions and communities around the world.
Focus on cultivating:
A conscious synergy of impact investment + eco-infrastructure + extraordinary experiences.
Working closely with land owners across the world, we facilitate stakeholder synergy in co-creation of regenerative
"L I G H T S P A C E S” that support highest purpose development and sustainable growth of land and local communities. In concert, we curate aligned partnerships to create extraordinary experiences in eco tourism, retreats and nurturing spaces for communities to drop in and activate measurable solutions to heal and elevate our planet.
Our unique model is focused on connecting the stars in our regenerative land constellation to heal and uplift the planet from the ground up. We create “regenerative portfolios” of triple bottom line innovations and nonprofits that holistically support each community in investable sustainable solutions for all stakeholders. Each property is digitally connected by our partners decentralized technology platform, biocentricaly designed to share and track best practices, community engagement and metrics, associated partners and trusted collaborators.